Fresnel lens used to magnify your printed study materials, also doubles as a book mark because it is very thin!
This is a Ribbon Marker Card with 2 silver ribbons attached, that can be
slipped between the spine of the book and the cover, in order to add
extra ribbons to a book. Sized for regular NWT 2013. Only $3 each. Sold
in packs of ten.
This is a Ribbon Marker Card with ribbons attached, that can be slippedbetween the spine of the book and the cover, in order to add extraribbons to a book. They are offered in different sizes for differentbooks.
Precut ribbons to make your own marker cards.
This is a Ribbon Marker Card with 2 wide silver ribbons attached, that can be slipped between the spine of the book and the cover, in order toadd extra ribbons to a book. Sized for Large NWT 2013. Only $3.50 each.Sold in packs of ten.
Psalm 27 laser engraved on leather scroll similar to Daniel drama. Perfect item for gift or go-bag.
Leather bookmarks with designs and scripture choices.
Digital talk timer sized perfectly at 2" wide by 2-3/4" high by 1/4" thick. Has magnet back to attach to anything with metal.
Leather bookmarks with custom name, date, special message