Reference Books
Taking the Stand: We Have More to Say: 100 Questions-900 Answers Interviews with Holocaust Survivors and Victims of Nazi Tyranny
Poster of Jesus' Family tree going back to Adam and Eve. A Unique chart done with a long Bible study that could save you hundreds of hours of search. 38" X 27".
Psalm 27 laser engraved on leather scroll similar to Daniel drama. Perfect item for gift or go-bag.
Hebrew Chaldee Lexicon by Dr Gesenius and Tregelles. This authoritative work is often referrenced in Watchtower publications to establish Hebrew translation.
The Word- The New Testament From 26 Translations by Mathis Publishers, Inc . Great research tool! Saves research time and also money because you won't need to buy 26 different translations!
Robert Young's 1898 edition of his translation. This is the third and last edition that he produced. Translation uses the same Elizabethian language that the King James Version uses. However, being a strictly literal translation, the word order is different from the KJV, so it does read different than the KJV and can be difficult at times to read. Being a strictly literal translation makes it the perfect study tool. Larger print.
This leatherlike, silver gilded edge King James Bible is only 4 1/2"
wide by 6 3/4" tall and 5/8" thick. Very handy and inexpensive to keep
in your bag for the ministry.